Indian Springs Pecans News & Updates...
Indian Springs Pecans and Farm featured in The Local Palate Magazine

Article written by Tim Haithcock for PECAN SOUTH Magazine

Article written by Tim Haithcock for the NC Pecan Grower's Association

Dear Customers,
Thank you so much for your loyalty to our pecans!
A dynamic and challenging time for the pecan industry lasted nearly all of 2013. Major rains in May, June, and July did not allow the leaves to ever dry and thus the conditions were perfect for the development of scab—a fungus that is a number one enemy of pecans. The pecan crop nationally was 40% off and even worse in some areas such as North Carolina. Indian Springs had a fair crop overall and excellent production of outstanding nuts from the variety Gloria Grande which is very resistant to scab. Many varieties like our Desirable and Pawnee, normally very productive, were devastated by repeated rains and excessive moisture because they are less resistant to scab. Scab spreads on the leaves and nuts and interferes with the natural process of photosynthesis—which is how the leaves convert sunlight to sugars and energy that makes a great pecan.
This week, January 14-15, is largely being spent with serious pruning and thinning of the orchard. This allows sunlight penetration, promotes air flow and helps produce a superior nut. We are also planting replacement trees with new varieties and constantly experimenting and improving the orchard. USDA Research Station in College Station, Texas, is always developing new varieties but years of field testing is required before their release. Each variety has its strong points. All growers are looking for the perfect pecan tree.
We thank you again for your dedicated support and are grateful for your business!
Tim and Karen Haithcock
Indian Springs Pecans

Promoting air flow at the farm...

Tim trimming a Cape Fear...

Ben with pole pruner

Promoting air flow at the farm...
Photos: Tim Haithcock and Ben Byrd pruning Indian Springs Pecan Orchard. January 15-2014

Interviewed in Pieces of Pecan